My perfect garden

My perfect garden would incorporate many things but mostly an area for herbs, an area to exercise and an area for relaxation.

Herb garden

The herb garden would be situated in a sunny spot. I would incorporate raised beds to avoid too much bending over and also i could control soil quality and drainage. My herbs would include those from a Mediterranean diet: basil, rosemary, thyme, mint and parsley. I would try and use companion planting techniques to enhance growth and deter pests naturally. I would have lots of water butts to harvest the rainwater naturally.

Exercise area

The exercise area would have two functions. One for workouts and another for relaxation and stretching. The exercise area would have a step and a bench for pushups, step ups and dips. I would prefer a paved area that is stable underneath my feet and offers a hard surface to build up my bone density. However for relaxation and stretching I think it is nicer to lie on a softer surface so either the lawn or a mat on the paved terrace. This area might be shaded for rest and near a water feature to help aid relaxation.

Natural pool

A pool would be perfect so that I could float or swim in it. The water offering support and resistance at the same time. Just walking up and down in water has been shown to strengthen the leg muscles to support arthritic knees.

Wild meadow

A wild meadow with a mown track for running or walking would be perfect. That way I could run or walk through drifting my fingers in the long grass and the wild flowers as I pass through.

Working out, exercising, moving in nature has tremendous benefits and I prefer both the start and the end of the day when the birds are waking up or going to bed. What bliss x